
For Immediate Release – “How to Stand Out in Selling Yourself” Luncheon Presentation at the Union League Club of Chicago

On Friday, September 13, David Lynam, as Chair of the Union League Club of Chicago Entrepreneur Group, hosted WGN Radio Host and communications consultant Bill Moller as he presented “How to Stand Out in Selling Yourself” to a luncheon audience in the Club’s elegant second floor dining room.  Mr. Moller, a Los Angeles native with…


Join us for “How to Stand Out in Selling Yourself” at the Union League Club of Chicago

You are cordially invited to attend the “How to Stand Out in Selling Yourself” luncheon presentation at the Union League Club on Friday, September 13, 2013. The Entrepreneur Group presents Bill Moller, WGN Radio host, presenting “How to Stand Out in Selling Yourself.” Entrepreneurs must compete every day based on the quality of your communication skills. You…


For Immediate Release – Luncheon Presentation “Start Up City: Chicago, Meet the New Entrepreneurs”

On Thursday, January 24, 2013, The Union League Club of Chicago presented Start Up City: Chicago, Meet the New Entrepreneurs. David J. Lynam, co-chair of the Union League Club’s Entrepreneur Group, hosted and moderated the luncheon event, which placed a spotlight on three Chicago startups: Dabble, SpotHero, and Sage Vertical Garden Systems. Erin Hopmann, co-founder…


UPDATED: You’re Invited to “START UP CITY: CHICAGO – Meet the New Entrepreneurs” at the Union League Club

You are cordially invited to attend the “START UP CITY: CHICAGO – Meet the New Entrepreneurs” Luncheon at the Union League Club of Chicago on Thursday, January 24, 2013. David Lynam and the Union League Club of Chicago / Entrepreneur Group present the origins, setbacks and successes of several innovative Chicago start ups, as told…


You’re Invited to “Social Networking for Entrepreneurs, Boon or Boondoggle?” at the Union League Club

You are cordially invited to attend the “Social Networking for Entrepreneurs, Boon or Boondoggle?” luncheon presentation at the Union League Club of Chicago, on Monday June 18, 2012. Join the ULCC Entrepreneur Group for a debate on both the benefits and disadvantages of social networking for entrepreneurs, professionals, and small businesses. Steve Fretzin of Sales Results,…


You’re Invited to “Angels & Entrepreneur’s Luncheon” at the Union League Club

You are cordially invited to attend the “Angels & Entrepreneurs” luncheon presentation at the Union League Club of Chicago, on Monday April 16, 2012.       On April 16th David Lynam, co-chair of the ULCC Entrepreneur Group, will be your host for a luncheon discussion featuring the vibrant “angel” investor community in Chicago, and how…